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2Direct GMBH - Germany 58579 Schalksmühle, Langenstück 5 - info@2direct.de
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For a quick and thorough hand disinfection Perfume- and dye-free Bactericide Effective against enveloped viruses (corona viruses, influenza viruses) Content: 150 ml Use biocides carefully. Always read label and safety data sheet before use. Approval number: BAuA AllgVg of 4 March 2020 and 13 March 2020. Sale and distribution only to commercial users! Ready-to-use hand disinfection spray for human hygiene Important: Always keep can upright during use General product data: Weight: 0.18 kg Height: 16.2 cm Width: 5.3 cm Length: 5.3 cm Gyártó: Logilink